Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Probably the worst map I have ever tried to navigate is the Aomori Hunting Map shown to the left. Landmarks can barley be seen on this map. The map is also a fold out type that is huge (covers the entire kitchen table). When scoping out an area, dealing with the map in the car can be a definite challenge. This map is best used with another/better map that can be marked appropriately. This picture shows an area close to my house. Green areas are temporary wildlife protection areas. These areas change every three years. Red areas are permanent protection areas. The yellow area is a steel shot only area (Lake Ogawara)

This is a page from the Aomori Fishing "Hot Points" Map. This map is awesome. I have scoped out many trout and other species using this map. In the right corner of each page (not shown) there is a helpful key that displays the average length of area fish and the best season to fish each species. Of course this is not a perfect solution, but it is a great starting point if you want to try out a new area. Notice the small finger sticker pointing to a successful trout spot.

My favorite new toy shown at left is the Garmin Etrex Venture HC handheld GPS unit. Used with a good map (displayed underneath, and the two maps above, the GPS is the hands down best way to find stuff and get back to important areas. I have decided not to upload any maps to the unit for now, as that would be way too easy. I think I prefer just following the arrow and trying to figure out the roadways myself.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I was curious if you don't mind, where can I find a copy of the Aomori Fishing "hot points" map? I'm here at Misawa AB. Thanks!!
