Friday, May 14, 2010

Snagex + Son at Fukui / Shumi Hanto Updates

Outstanding! 27 cm Rockfish caught by the fishin' magician. I've decided to start blogging again, and wanted to post this up on the ole blog for a 2010 good luck summer. I'll try and go after some trout tomorrow around Lake Towada. I have also made some contacts in the local Tsugaru area to hook up on some much needed boat fishing. I plan to make a trip in early July to the Nyuto Onsen area for some trout and soakage. I will also try once again for Hirame on the Bay. My hunting season was less than desirable. I did however meet some nice folks in the Ofunato area and plan on returning next winter to try my luck again. If you want to see more of the above fishing trip, click the Snagex link to the right and look for the posting labelled "Fukui Rockfish Festival". Hopefully I'll have some Trout pics to post from tomorrow's trip.


  1. THere's a group of 3 or 4 of us who regularly fly fish out of Misawa.

    Most of our trips are to the rivers and streams west of here in the mountains.

    SOme luck but mostly not. It seems to us the fish spook very easily in the rivers around this area.

    We use 4 weight fly rods, 6x tippet usually about 10 ft of it, and #18-22 dries. Occaisionally we'll nymph, but most of our luck seems to be on the dries later in the day.

    Would like to know some of your areas and techniques. We're thinking of mounting a few trips up into the "hatchet" (Tsuguru penninsula). ANy ideas or suggestions would be most appreciated.

  2. Thank you for posting my son's pic!
    I hope you post your big trout pics soon!
